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Nature's Tonic

Lisa Robichaud

Lisa Robichaud is the owner and operator of Nature's Tonic a Health and Wellness lifestyle store, a 500hour Registered Yoga teacher, Reiki Sharer and loves designing and creating jewelry, yoga clothes and whatever else inspires her on the path towards a balanced lifestyle. She will be vending at the Harvest moon again this year with the creative lovely Heather Bishop from Leeds and Grenville Interval House, also a Reiki Practitioner, who loves make jewelry, painting, collaging, and working with essential oils. 

Raindrop Therapy Technique

Natasha Boudreau

Sale of Essential oils and accessories.  Natasha offers the Raindrop Technique which is the application of oils along the vita flex points of your feet and along your spine. Natasha is also a Practitioner at our Festival.

Past Life and Spiritual Journeys

Allan and Catherine Green


Purely Elemental

Candice Harsh

A space for healing and growth. We offer Intuitive energy healing sessions, workshops/circles and the tools to support your well being on all levels.

I create natural bath and body products (that cleanse us physically and energetically) and stone/crystal jewelry that are both beautiful and offer energetic support. A small selection of crystals is also available to you!

The Artful Dragon

Lea Hamblett

The creative spirit behind The Artful Dragon Studio, Lea has been creating artwork using multi-media applications since 1984. She offers many collections of wearable art jewelry in wood, resin etc.

The Purple Door

Linda Scallion

A large selection of New Age / Metaphysical books. You'll also find a broad range of items in the following product categories:


Meditation Tools - Mala Beads, Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Books & CD's | Statues | Rock Salt Lamps and Tea Light Holders | Bells | Candles | Easy Listening CD's | Tarot & Oracle | CardsPendulums | Greeting Card | Jewelery | Smudge and Incense | Runes | Crystal Balls | Tumbled Stones | Flower Essences for Spiritual Growth | Flying Lanterns & Wish Paper

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